Why Early Childhood Education is Key
The facts are clear. An investment in the earliest years of life is one of the best we can make for our children and society. That’s why researchers at the School of Education and Human Development (University of Virginia) are coming together to ensure every child has an opportunity to experience high-quality learning right from the start.

Connecting Science to Practice
Decades of research tell us high-quality early learning experiences make a difference. See how we translate what we know about effective early childhood education into the practice of what we do.

Moving the Needle
We are working together with community leaders and policy makers to ensure every young child has the opportunity for a great start in school. See how we’re making it happen.
High-quality early learning experiences are key to children’s academic and social-emotional success
Making a Difference
The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP), Virginia Early Childhood Consultation (VECC), Advancing Effective Interactions & Instructions (AEII) and STREAMin3 initiatives are four examples that highlight the strength of our collaborative approach with policy makers and community leaders.